Invasive mapping
Remote sensing
Geographic information systems
Above all, maps make things clear. But a map is only a static snapshot of the problem at hand. It is the underlying database of spatial information, the GIS, that really matters.
GIS can be used to reveal valuable relationships with other data.
Digital assets give us a baseline reference of the scale and nature of invasive species problems at the level of the ecological unit instead of arbitrary land boundaries or property rights.
Maps also give all stakeholders an objective resource from which to measure rates of change in invasive species coverage and track the efficacy of treatment programmes.
However, GIS needs to be used judiciously.
Extensive mapping is rarely necessary. On most sites the immediate priority is simply to keep track of treated areas and related information.
Mapping needs to used thoughtfully and only where it really delivers results.
As part of an ongoing partnership we’re helping develop a novel algorithm for more accurate detection of invasive plant species at the landscape-scale.
Our client wanted a consultancy who were able to combine a detailed understanding of invasive plant ecology and differing growth forms, with the ability to fundamentally interrogate the use of GIS and algorithmic detection. They need high quality results supported with a sound process of image collection, processing and analysis.
The partnership continues and Advanced Invasives are now exploring agile surveying and treatment methods for complex sites with our own in-house drone offer; Advanced Airspace.